October 21, 2024

So far you’re a CEO and founder of a platform for billing behavioral health services, you should always be searching for fresh approaches to develop and advance the business. Their mentor introduced them to the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) framework, which maximizes company performance. The organizational strategy might be disjointed and there could be lack of accountability which is why the Entrepreneurial Operating System was put into place. Workers’ lack of empowerment stemmed from their misunderstanding of the organization’s objectives. This could lead to employee dissatisfaction in their regular roles. In addition, people may start assuming things when they think they are not being informed.

You can give Entrepreneurial Operating System a try if you know a few CEOs who found success with it. However, there is a lot of resistance, so instead of fully committing to the framework, one should try to modify it to fit what we are doing. This still doesn’t guarantee that it will work. There has been no visible significant improvement, whether as a team or as an organization, until four implementation strategies were put into place, which we will discuss in more detail below. This is when everything finally clicked.

Although putting Entrepreneurial Operating System into practice is difficult, it is well worth it. The team will embrace accountability and transparency in ways you would never thought were possible thanks to it, and if you use these four tactics, you will succeed with the framework. 

Entrepreneurial Operating System

How Entrepreneurial Operating System Is Used

Entrepreneurial Operating System can be used in a variety of ways. The most straightforward option may be to hire one of their implementers to come in and get your organization up and running with the framework. However, your team can also take on the task internally and implement the tools on their own. Every employee reads Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman, as well as What the Heck is Entrepreneurial Operating System?, to better understand what Entrepreneurial Operating System is, why we are doing it, and what role they play. This contributes to a more cohesive workplace.

Holding regular strategy meetings with your management team is part of the Entrepreneurial Operating System framework. The book explains how to run those meetings, discuss issues as a team, review previous quarter performance, and set achievable quarterly and yearly goals. Every department adheres to this meeting cadence (with a consistent agenda), establishing initiatives based on the company’s goals. There’s also a shared to-do list that’s reviewed on a weekly basis. 

The meetings are intended to hold people accountable for what they promised to do and to ensure that every employee is informed. Each meeting should be graded in a way that relates to the overall performance of the company. This forces team leaders to examine underperforming aspects and create space for healthy conflict, allowing everyone to raise issues to be resolved as a team. You will know how each meeting was managed and identify areas for improvement by scoring it (did it start on time, did you stick to the agenda?). These open and honest meetings foster a shared culture in which every employee understands how issues are raised and resolved.

In addition to the checkup questions that help you score yourself (are you documenting processes and do you have good employee engagement? ), several other EOS tools have been used. One such tool is the biweekly all-company meetings that promote transparency, highlight core values, and ensure that everyone is in agreement with the organization’s vision and understands their role in it. 

Traction in Entrepreneurial Operating System

These are the strategies that contributed to our success:

  • 100% Commitment

You should let every employee know that you are fully committed to EOS when you make the decision to go all in. Try to restructure the organization based on the “Get It, Want It, Capacity” philosophy. Examine each employee and job and ask yourselves, “Is the right person in the right seat?” Do they have a thorough understanding of their role, do they desire it, and do they have the ability to succeed in it?” Following that, you may let a few employees go, but engagement and satisfaction among the remaining employees should skyrocket.

  • Employ An Integrator

You may discover that there are two major internal roles that were required for Entrepreneurial Operating System to function: a visionary role and an integrator role. As the company continues to grow, hire an integrator whose sole responsibility should be to ensure that the whole team follows the framework. It can take up to 18 months to get an organization up and running with EOS.

  • Establish a Trust System

You need to establish a trust system because people are not accustomed to constructive conflict. One must adopt a “disagree and commit” mindset, meaning that subversively going against the grain is not an option. If the team decides to move forward with something, you must commit to it even if you disagree. There will be times when we are all in this position, but in order to move forward, we need team alignment and trust. 

  • Practice on a Regular Basis

While you continue to practice and learn. You must put it into practice, stick with it, and live it.

We have seen an incredible cultural shift as a result of using these EOS implementation strategies. Employee engagement and satisfaction have increased significantly, and our developmebnt team has delivered better features and improved customer service. We have improved our financial understanding and tracking, we are better prepared to bring people on board when we hire, and we are continuing to improve with EOS as our daily framework. 

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