October 21, 2024

Renewable energy generates energy that produces no greenhouse fossil fuel gas emissions and puts a stop to some types of air pollution. This energy is derived or provided from natural sources like the
sun and the wind, that are replenished at a higher rate than they are consumed. Up until now, petroleum, natural gas, coal, and fossil fuels have been the major sources of energy. Fossil fuels Like natural gas, coal, and petroleum are not renewable sources of energy because they are not infinite and they release carbon dioxide into our atmosphere which contributes to climate change and global warming.

The following are the five major types of renewable energy and how they all contributes towards adoption of renewable energy individually;

  1. Solar energy
  2. Geothermal energy
  3. Wind energy
  4. Biomass
  5. Hydropower energy
Sun,Greenhouse,Social Impact, Consumers, Environment, Energy, sources, Pollution, Fossil Fuels.


This is any type of energy that is generated by the sun. It can be harnessed directly or indirectly for human consumption. This type of renewable energy makes it easy for consumers to adopt since it does not pollute the air or produce carbon dioxide. the Installation of solar energy systems on buildings have
minimal effects on the environment. Solar cells or solar photovoltaic devices change sunlight directly into electricity. Small photovoltaic cells can also power calculators, watches, and other small electronic devices. It will continue to grow because it creates clean, pure & renewable power (e) from the sun, a perfect
alternative to fossil fuels. It also reduces carbon footprint and greenhouse gasses all over the world.


This is a type of renewable energy that is taken from the earth’s core. this comes from the heat produced during the Initial planet creation and subsequent radioactive decay of elements. Because of its safe, long-lasting and reliable plants, geothermal energy is increasingly low risk and brimming with untapped potential. It is silent, always available, and has little impact on the environment. It can be used for cooling and it also creates more jobs than any other green energy.


This renewable type of energy is used in producing electricity using the kinetic energy generated by air in motion, This is then modified into electrical energy using wind energy conversion systems (wind turbines). To generate electricity from wind energy, Turbines power generators that produce electricity which is then fed into the National Grid. Wind is an unlimited, free, renewable resource. Wind energy is one of the main driving forces in the adoption of renewable energy due to its economic value and maintenance cost.


This is a clean, renewable energy source. The initial energy comes from the sun, and plants or algae biomass that can regrow in a relatively short amount of time. Crops, trees, and Municipal solid garbage is always accessible and can be managed sustainably. This type of renewable energy Is less expensive than fossil fuels. Unlike fossil fuel production such as oil drills, gas pipelines and fuel collection, which requires a heavy outlay of capital, biomass technology is much cheaper. It allows manufacturers and producers to generate higher profits from a lower output.


This is one of the most developed commercially. By constructing a dam, A big reservoir can be utilized to generate a controlled water flow that drives a turbine to generate electricity. This renewable energy source can often be more reliable than solar or wind power and also allows electricity to be stored for use when demand is at its peak. Like wind energy, in some situations hydro can be more viable as a commercial energy source but depending very much on the type of property, it can be used for domestic and off-grid generation. Power generated from many types of renewable energy is 100% efficient according to international energy statistics, while fossil power plants achieve only 25-85% efficiency.

The factors or major reasons that shaped the adoption of renewable energy are as follows;

  • Environmental Concern
  • Consumer Belief
  • Consumer Knowledge
  • Relative Advantages
Social Impact
Energy Sources
Fossil Fuels

Environmental Concern:

The belief, degree of concern and the stance an individual holds towards the environment. This is the awareness or insight that the natural state of the environment is threatened through resource overuse and pollution by humans. Consumers are always concerned about the environment which makes them prefer environmentally friendly products or services and also rewarding the environmentally conscious marketers or organizations, hence the adoption of renewable energy. The higher the environmental concern, the higher the intention to use renewable energy.

Consumer Knowledge:

This is one of the factors that has long been recognised as persuading all phases of a buying decision process. The adoption process of renewable energy begins with the awareness of a problem, need and the knowledge of the existence of a product or services. For example, consumers that think they need to do something about environmental degradation and also sees it as a critical social problem would be more than considering green products as a solution. This particular factor has a huge significant influence on the adoption of renewable energy.

Consumer Belief:

According to current research, consumers with additional knowledge about renewable energy will have more positive beliefs about the positive consequences of using renewable energy than consumers with little or less knowledge about it. The consumer knowledge of environmental issues has been associated with positive environmental behaviors and in some cases it has been detected that those with stronger pro-consumer beliefs were found to be merely likely to participate in environmental oriented purchasing behavior. For example, consumers believe that greater effort needs to be put
into forming environmental solutions such as green energy sources in order to reduce or save energy use and help in preserving the natural environment.

Relative Advantage:

Consumers or users compare the existing renewable energy technology with the conventional technologies and make their decisions based on an overall socio-economical viewpoint. They
search for energy technology that is relatively cheaper, offers future benefits and is easy to use. The relative advantage includes; cost, social impact and other behavioural factors. This advantage is influenced by individual attitude and mediate attitude towards renewable energy but has an indirect relationship with the adoption.

Result shows that environmental concern and relative advantages of renewable energy has influenced the adoption significantly. While consumer’s belief and knowledge has little contribution in the adoption of renewable energy. Therefore, understanding these factors is extremely crucial because it will affect the decision to adopt it.

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