October 21, 2024

Metaverse may sound like a science fiction concept, but unexpectedly, it’s as real as the internet.
Meta in terms means “beyond” and verse refers to the “universe.” Metaverse is the theoretical iteration of the internet as a single, universal and immersive virtual world that is made easy by the use of virtual and augmented reality headsets. This is a new technology and there are plenty of improvements, trends and modifications to be made before it becomes the new normal. Technologies like metaverse helps in getting rid of the long-distance and be with people in real-time, even in a virtual world.

Blockchain, NFTs, 5G, Virtual, Facebook, Meta, AI, Crypto, metaverse, AI, IoT, Virtual reality, Augumented reality.

The potential metaverse future technologies includes;

  1. Artificial Intelligence
  2. Blockchain
  3. Edge computing
  4. Internet of Things
  5. Virtual and Augmented Reality
  6. 5G

1. Artificial Intelligence:

This is one of the most important technologies in the metaverse. Artificial Intelligence plays several roles to maintain efficiency of the metaverse technology. Artificial intelligence is used to monitor servers for improved cybersecurity continuously and the technology is also used for smarter responses.Artificial Intelligence helps the metaverse to monitor servers to safeguard it against cyberbullying or harassment of any sort. Some examples are;

  • ❖ Interactive UI
  • ❖ Cybersecurity
  • ❖ Smart Contracts
  • ❖ Decentralization
  • ❖ Realistic Avatars
  • ❖ Smarter Translations
  • ❖ Infrastructure Support

2. Blockchain:

Metaverse aids the usage of NFTs, Smart Contracts and Crypto. It is meant to handle a massive amount of data, concerns such as speed, security, scalability and transparency are natural.It is the solution technology that helps metaverse in protecting and decentralizing data. Blockchain can be used to store in-game assets, smart contracts, NFTs and virtual real estate. It helps metaverse developers track events that render servers vulnerable or hazardous for users. People that buy or trade virtual assets on blockchain-based platforms must use cryptocurrencies. Several blockchain-based platforms, like Decentraland’s MANA and also Sandbox’s SAND, require Ethereum-based crypto tokens to buy and sell virtual assets. People can trade NFT artworks or charge for admission to a virtual show or
concert in Decentraland. Also they can make money by trading land, which has seen a major increase in value in recent years.

3. Edge Computing:

Edge computing is the technology that takes care of the faster data transmission requirement in modern businesses all around the globe. A newer version of edge computing known as distributed computing enables users to enjoy edge computing features without having to set up an entire hardware infrastructure. Distributed computing is going to play a big role in delivering features for common users in the near future. Edge computing helps reduce latency and saves bandwidth, making it ideal for
different types of Metaverse applications. Thanks to edge computing, data will be processed exactly to where it originated from. This is useful if the data must be handled in real-time, such as sensor data from virtual reality headset trackers.

4. Internet of Things (IoT):

Like Internet of Things (IoT), metaverse is a technology that uses wireless on a large scale. Internet of Things sensors play a crucial role in enabling the technology and are used to pair-up devices like Haptic gloves, virtual reality headsets, speakers, voice recognition and many more. It is capable of enabling realistic responses to interactions carried out in the metaverse. With the help of haptic gloves, whenever users interact with a virtual object, Internet of Things sensors transform these interactions into data and
users will be able to feel those virtual objects. Both Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence will play a major role in the advancement of the metaverse. Since IoT has been in the business for several years now with thousands of cameras, sensors, and tech devices in its cluster, it’s quite an opportunity of exposure for the Metaverse.

5. Virtual reality and Augumented reality:

These are technologies that empower the main features of metaverse. This is all about creating a virtual interactive experience users can onboard the servers with the help of virtual reality glasses. The virtual reality glasses can be paired with any smart device including a smartphone, computer or tablets. Users will be able to explore the metaverse to shop from businesses that have already onboarded the space, explore stories, hangout with friends, play games and many more. While augmented reality, on the other
hand, can create a fusion between virtual objects and real environments with the help of a device camera and users can access the augmented reality features of metaverse on their screens. Either for gaming purposes, learning and entertainment, Augmented and virtual reality can create endless possibilities.

6. 5G

Metaverse is all about connecting virtual experiences but networking with virtual reality can use enormous amounts of data. 5G technology is one of the latest mobile trends and has been improving in recent years, providing the power necessary for real-time data transfers. It will enable people or users to connect to augmented reality or virtual reality experiences from anywhere. Looking back at edge computing, more bandwidth through 5G means it is possible that virtual reality rendering can be done on an edge device streamed directly to your headset, which means the size of virtual reality headsets could shrink in the near future to become more comfortable for users.

In the near future, the metaverse will be expected to consolidate all isolated immersive virtual ecosystems and merge them into a unified whole. It will alsol transcend social media platforms and virtual gaming. The metaverses are expected to become more multidimensional owing to the usage of virtual gadgets, users can stroll around physical spaces in reality for exploring 3D spaces. It has the potential to facilitate decentralized governance, establishing the digital identity of an individual and remote employee workstations.


Metaverse is actually a collective virtual, open space developed by integrating virtually enhanced digital, as well as physical, reality known for offering immersive experiences to usersThis notion is still young and has a long way to go before becoming stable, but it has the potential to disrupt augmented or virtual reality. The concept was popularized recently by Facebook rebranding to Meta and they are also investing heavily and working enormously to make the concept a success in the near future.

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